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EWE[dot]COM EDITION #1: January 2011 Empty EWE[dot]COM EDITION #1: January 2011

Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:51 pm

--EWE.COM EDITION #1 - January ??, 2011--
SHOW LINK: Click Here

Hello everyone, I know it's been awhile since I've been on here, but I just been real busy, well that and some other stuff I really don't know how to explain.

I'm on today to talk to you all about the EWE's Infamous Sole Survivor Match. This will be the 2nd time EWE has had this match. Last year I didn't take part in it, because last year I still stayed within the Diva's Division. I entered the Open Invitational for a Women's Title shot at WrestleMania Six, but was defeated by the only other entry, which was the debuting Alicia Q.

A couple months after that though, I qualified to compete in last year's Money in the Bank Match. In that match I came ever so close, and it was then that I realized, I really could compete in both divisions can't I? So after a huge year of doing just that, playing in both divisions, Here I am, this time ENTERING the Sole Survivor Match!

With that said I'd like to say a few words about each of the other entries, call me a bit old fashioned, but I'm just going to go on down the list.

I'm not truely sure who this guy is, or at least I wasn't. He's been here for a month or so during my, let's say hiatus. I know this because I did the smart thing, and I watched old tapes of all the EWE Occurances during my time away. This man pretty much debuted last month at Uprising and started off pretty good, 4 and 0 I believe. Last week he suffered his first defeat to JTG. I'm affraid it's time for your next defeat too. Sorry Ken, it's nothing personal, I just want my title shot.

I'm gone for a couple months and when I come back, EWE has gone insane. Of all the craziness I've seen, this one gets me the most though. I mean they actually hired a Pirate, or one who thinks he is? I'm not sure to be honest, I seen when Jensen found this guy out in the middle of the artic, but still. He may use some underhanded tricks to try and pull out a win here, but he's very delusional if he thinks he has a slim chance in this match. I mean for goodness sake he thinks he's a pirate, otherwise proving he truely is delusional.

What couldn't I say about Dutch Clark? He's done alot in such a short period of time, but that's not what I mean. I perhaps, no, I know I know him better than anyone in this match, if ya know what I mean Wink. Dutch I respect you as a competitor, and love you as my boyfriend. Come Sunday though, it's all out the window, we can't both win this match, and with all due respect, you've had your time to shine. It came down to me and you in the King of Xtreme, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened again here. Like I said though, you had your turn to win big, your time as the Undisputed Champion. Now it's my turn. No hard feelings, but when I eliminate you, please don't hate me. Razz

D-Dawg...what is there to say about D-Dawg? To be honest, I don't know. I know he's been apart of EWE Before, but his times were so brief, I really dont remember much about him. I guess all I can say is this, D...Welcome back to the EWE. This Sunday, I'll give you a proper welcoming, by eliminating you.

The Great Android #18. Everyone knows her, I have nothing but the utmost respect for her. I mean she's the reason I'm in this match right now. It's because of her and Rikku that the idea of a Diva entering the Male's Division, isn't so unlikely. The set the bar for us to dominate the men of EWE, and for that, I thank them, and I respect them. However, it's my turn now. Eighteen I respect you, and hopefully we can be the final two, who knows? It would truely be my own personal honor to come down to me and you. Winning or losing, it'd be an honor for me. But the bigger honor is of course for me to eliminate you. Show that the tides have changed, we can think of it as kind of a passing of the torch. She used to dominate the Male Division, now it's my turn.

Who? Some new guy, that's all I really know. I know he's been battling Mickie over the X-Core Title this past week as well, but other than that, I have no real knowledge of this guy. Well be that as it may, Welcome to the EWE. Good luck out there, trust me, you're going to need it.

Or should I say Act III? That was semi clever Manny, doing them little messages trying to get people guessing who you was. To be honest though, wasn't it all for not? I mean, do you honestly believe you are going to win this match? You did all the hype and that's good, but the hype is all for nothing. I'm sorry to say it, but you most likely won't win this match. If anything you can try to take out some frustrations on Eighteen, but that might just end up in her eliminating you. Better her than me though, right? Wink

Abdul Q has returned...I could be happy or surprised, but really, it has no effect on me. No I'm not trying to say he doesn't matter, I'm merely saying we was both missing for the same amount of time, and thus, I'm not effected by his return, because I'm not used to him being gone. He's a great competitor though, a two time International Champion. A Title to which he won on his EWE Debut, which was at last year's WrestleMania. That's all impressive, but them Q's know how to debut, it was his sister who debuted by beating me to gain a Women's Title shot at WrestleMania. Debuts are what the Q's do best, so if this is his return, I guess that should worry us, if they are good at Debuts, they should know how to return as well right? Sorry to say though Abdul, I believe you will go far in this match, but you will repeat the King of Xtreme, and you will come up short. It's not that I don't think you can win...it's that I KNOW I plan to win.

EWE's resident Super Hero. Ok now I've seen it all. Hurricane did all his so called hero work in the WWE, now he wants to bring it to EWE. Whatever, that's his choice I guess. Here's the thing though, It'd take super powers for you of all people to win this match. It's no offense or anything, I just don't see you as much of a threat, maybe it's your crazy idea that you actually believe you have super powers. Or perhaps is just the green hair, I really don't know. I do know, Hurricane, Actually believing he can win the Sole survivor? WHATSUPWITTHAT?!

So Mike Shockly has found his way into the Sole Survivor Match eh? A Fellow Style & Pride member for all of 5 minutes. I'm sorry I can't really see you as a threat to be honest. You let down Style & Pride, and that is the reason I don't. It's not because you let us down so you suck, no no. It's more so, you let us down, so Dutch is going to kick your ass...Sorry.

Look at their last name.. *rolls eyes*

Everybody loves The White Knight...I'm sure they all do. You see, I felt for the guy when he lost his best friend though, albeit his best friend was stuffed and he thought he could talk. So the guy had issues, which is even more so why I felt for him. I had a small shred of regret when I eliminated him in the King of Xtreme Tournament, but I helped him to pick up his spirit. Just stay out of my way, so I don't have to feel bad about eliminaing you in this too.

Jensen's personal body guards that was signed up by Dustin Jobber...Not much to say about them. Yeah they are big, and probably intimidate most. The Way I see it, the age old expression, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, right on over the top rope.

Another person that idiot Dustin signed up, I'm sure Jensen won't be pleased when he finds out about this. I'm also sure it will be everyone's pleasure to beat up on their boss, me included. I mean, he is only the biggest Asshole in the company right?

Oh Mickie...A very popular Diva from both the WWE and TNA...But this is neither. EWE is a whole new playing field little Mickie. I have heard you running your mouth, that's practically all you been doing, going around calling ME the fake champion? Are you serious? Says the girl who's held the X-Core title, a title with absolutely no real merit. Or how bout that Diva's title that was handed to you? A Title that's not even active, and it was HANDED to you, and you call ME the fake Champion? I actually defeated someone for this title, Brooke McGuire is someone you'd never last 5 minutes with, and I beat her for this title. I've had quite a few successful defenses as well. So before you go off calling someone a fake champion, you go and look in the mirror.

The Baddest man on the Planet. The First ever 2x EWE Undisputed Champion. Yea Snake is a hall of famer, a legend of this company. Well he used to be anyway. Snake, we want to see that passion you once had...I know my brother has been giving you shit about it, and since then you have started to get some of it back, but something still seems to be missing. I honestly hope you find it in time for this match, bring the TRUE Snake into that Sole Survivor Match, then maybe things will get interesting. Either way it goes. True Snake or not...Much like anyone else, you will be eliminated.

I almost said I don't have a clue who this man is. But then I did some research. This is actually the same man that used to be known as Michael King...before that...Michael Burke...and before that...Geidon....this man has gone through more names, than my brother has went through whores. You should all credit him as being a former Undisputed and X-Division Champion....Two reigns that didn't seem to last very long, but hey, they existed. He has the odasity though to question why he's never been in the hall of fame. What do you expect? You just change your name, how are we supposed to know your the same person with a new name? Whatever the case, If YOU deserve the Hall of Fame, then so do I...And I honestly don't think I've done enough to earn that honor just yet, but that's where this match and WrestleMania that follows comes in Wink.

Who? No honestly...who? Some new guy I never even heard of...I guess we'll have to see if he's a real threat or not, but for now...Good luck?

That covers about everyone...so for now I say good day...I'm off of here. To any of my opponents who happend to read this, I'd like to wish you all good luck....come sunday you too, become another Star Struck.
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