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WrestleMania SIX - 04/11/10 Empty WrestleMania SIX - 04/11/10

Sat Aug 20, 2022 2:11 pm


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Join date : 2020-06-29

WrestleMania SIX - 04/11/10 Empty Re: WrestleMania SIX - 04/11/10

Sat Aug 20, 2022 2:11 pm

....::....S T A R T.....G A M E....::.... The Grandest Stage of them all...The Showcase of the Immortals...The Biggest Show on earth. WrestleMania is the pinacle of this industry. Every Superstar dreams of headlining WrestleMania, or to even have that one taste, to have that one moment. After 6 years, The Game is finally returning to the WrestleMania Main Event here in EWE. He was in the Main Event at WrestleMania One, where he didn't fair to well, can The King of Kings turn things around and re-claim his throne in his return to the Main Event? ....::....E N D.....G A M E....::....

[ The scene picks up at WrestleMania Axcess, where Kurtis Porter left off. Austin is seen walking away, until he's approached by Triple H. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Well, look what Edge drug in.

The RattleSnake || Stone Cold Steve Austin | What?

The King of Kings || Triple H | As in the Dog..

[ Austin nods and laughs a little. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | It's great to see you again though.

The RattleSnake || Stone Cold Steve Austin | What?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Don't start that...

The RattleSnake || Stone Cold Steve Austin | What?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Seriously, I'm trying to have a conversation here.

The RattleSnake || Stone Cold Steve Austin | What?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Would you stop it?

The RattleSnake || Stone Cold Steve Austin | What?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Forget it, I'll see you at the ceremony..

[ HHH walks off leaving Austin to shrug his shoulders. ]

The RattleSnake || Stone Cold Steve Austin | How can I stop, when he didn't answer my question of what he wants me to stop?

[ HHH walks onward until he catches up with Kurtis. Kurtis smiles when he sees HHH approaching him. ]

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | Check this out, tis be the soon to be 1st ever 4x EWE Champion. Possibly..

The King of Kings || Triple H | I already know you're pulling for Jeff..

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | Of course, he helped me out all these years, but you've always had my back too in supporting me. I obviously would rather Jeff win, but I certainly wouldn't trip if you won. Really if Edge doesn't keep the title, it'll be a good day.

The King of Kings || Triple H | I may have always supported ya, off screen anyway. But I also had to kick your tail a few times too.

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | This is true, but I'll be getting ya back after WrestleMania, it's all good.

The King of Kings || Triple H | What exactly is that supposed to mean?

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | It means, once I become Mr Money in the Bank...if you do win the title, start looking over your shoulder dawg.

The King of Kings || Triple H | I'm not a dog. I'm a human being. Notice the expendable thumbs?

[ HHH wiggles his thumbs to show this to K~Dawg, he laughs and shakes his head. ]

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | You know what I mean.

The King of Kings || Triple H | Right, well as far as that goes, you might be my number one choice in winning that match. But like Jeff I may also be torn between Ciaran as well. After all, he is my best friend's son.

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | Didn't Shawn not want to claim him a few weeks ago?

The King of Kings || Triple H | He tried to question it, yes...but that was just Shawn, being Shawn. He was trying to get into Ciaran's mind before their match. I'm not the only Mastermind in DX ya know.

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | DX has masterminds?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Nice...just when I was about to congratulate you on the Hall of Fame, and wish you luck on the Money in the Bank.

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | Well thanks then..

The King of Kings || Triple H | No, i'm taking both of those back after that comment.

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | Seriously?

The King of Kings || Triple H | You basically just called us idiots!

[ Kurtis nods thinking about it for a moment. ]

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | I'm sorry?

[ HHH shrugs. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Forget about it, I was only kidding. Everyone has a right to call us that for the way we act. It's not our fault we know how to have a good time. Alot of people's problems are that they take their matches way too serious. That's not how the Degenerates Roll though. We have a good time, then when that bell rings, then I get serious.

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | That's when you mess people up.

The King of Kings || Triple H | Of course, speaking of which, guess I oughtta be cutting a promo or something, I'm already way behind.

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | Yea, why are you so late...Not only is this WrestleMania..but you're in the freaking Main Event, I mean come on, I'd kill for that.

The King of Kings || Triple H | Ya, ya I know..

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | I'm serious, I thought about sniping Edge, and claiming the title for myself.

[ HHH has a look of concern for a moment, then shakes it off. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Anyways, once again congrats on the Hall of Fame, and good luck in the Money in the Bank.

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | You too in the EWE Title Match.

The King of Kings || Triple H | Except, you rather Jeff wins..

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | No Hard feelings?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Just win Money in the Bank, so I can take it out on you when you cash in.

[ Kurtis laughs a little and nods his head. ]

K-Dizzy-Dawg || Kurtis Porter | Sure man, whatever you say.

[ The pair shake hands as Kurtis walks off. HHH looks over to the Ring in the middle of the arena and smiles. A few moments later, "The Game" by Motorhead begins playing, as the crowd looks around. HHH comes around a wall and begins walking through the crowd. They all cheer when he enters the ring and is then handed a mic. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | So WrestleMania Axcess. There really is no better place to be a fan, than here.

[ The crowd cheers in agreement as HHH nods. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | The electricity at WrestleMania Axcess is just so estatic. For good reason, as you are all sitting in anticipation for the biggest event of the year. It is an event so big, that the day after each one, people start counting down to the next one. WrestleMania is truely the biggest show on earth, and when it comes down to it, there is one man who outshines every other EWE Superstar at this grand event.

[ HHH smirks slightly as the crowd cheers. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | That is of course, yours truely...The Cerebal Assassin, The Game...THE KING...of KINGS!

[ The crowd cheers again, as HHH continues. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | White Tiger may have been to three Main Events, this being his fourth, but he's only won one...He's only won two WrestleMania's in a row for that matter. He may say he's the best there is at WrestleMania, but I know otherwise. I have not lost a WrestleMania match, since WrestleMania Two. Keeping in mind that I have been to all 5, and I was even double booked at WrestleMania 4. I'm the only person in EWE History to win 4 times at WrestleMania, let alone consecutively. And now, it's time for number five.

[ The crowd cheers as HHH nods. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | As you all know, this year I am competing in a Triple Threat match for the EWE Championship. I'll start off with the 2010 Sole Survivor, White Tiger.

[ The crowd cheers at the mere mention of his name. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Me and Jeff have alot of history, you have heard us both say that. Now it's time I give you a better understanding of that. It all began at WrestleMania One ironically. This was the first time the two of us were in the same ring. It was the 2nd Chance Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Championship. A Match I did not win, no thanks to the special guest referee, which is ironic as he's one of my best friends again. White Tiger didn't win that match either though, neither of us left New York the World Heavyweight Champion, Instead Ben did

[ The crowd gasps that HHH mentioned that name, HHH snaps his fingers and slaps his forehead. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | My bad, I mean Chris Benoit. Anyways, we'd go one on one a couple weeks later in a #1 Contenders match, where I'd once again get an un-expected taste of Sweet Chin Music to be defeated. A few short months later though, we met again, this time it was for the EWE Championship, it was a match where I would defeat Jeff, and capture my 1st Championship in EWE. My first of Three, soon to be four, EWE Heavyweight Championships.

[ HHH pauses for a moment, while the crowd looks on. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | The next time we got in the same ring, was Double Assault. A Match that was voted the best match of 2004, when I defended, and retained the EWE Championship in a Triple Threat match with White Tiger, and, you know. A few weeks later, Vince, who didn't like me at the time, forced me to team with that same said individual to take on the Tag Team Champions. Vince didn't like Tiger and Eighteen much neither, so he made them put the titles on the line. A Crazy thing happened that night, me and that other guy, we couldn't stand eachother, but we still became the EWE Tag Team Champions.

[ HHH stops and thinks for a moment, nodding. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Which is funny when you think about it. Barring the X-Tag, which I only held one night to unify the Tag Division. There is only 2 titles I have held, which I held on multiple occasions. Both those titles, I defeated the same man, to begin my first reigns. That man was of course White Tiger. Not much left to tell really, we was both in the Elimination Chamber at Blood Loss of 2005, which neither of us won and Derek Daniels was crowned the first ever EWE Undisputed Champion. There was the 2006 Extreme Team Challenge, we was both in that, on different teams. There was the 2007 Extreme Team Challenge, we was both once again apart of, this time on the same team after I deffected over to Xplosion. We was the final two members of Team Xplosion actually, but only I was the last man standing, just a fun fact for ya.

[ HHH winks at the crowd, who laughs a little bit. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | After coming to Xplosion, me and Jeff would try to form a Tag Team together. But it really didn't work out, we had only one match, and it had it's own complications. We only remained allies, as the tag team thing didn't work. We have also had 2 Draws our last 2 one on one encounters, and we was once again on the same team for the 3rd Extreme Team Challenge at this years No Love Lost. The match was altered, but still an Extreme Team Challenge none the less, a match where me and Jeff, along with Dean was the 3 Survivors.

[ HHH stops for a moment. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | So you see, when we say we have been through it all, friends and enemies, now you can see what we mean. People could think we may be even against eachother, hell I don't really know our record against eachother. But as he mentioned himself, that he said I would say, there is one thing that shows we aren't even. He said I would bring this up, but of course I would, this is leverage I have over him. Like Jeff said, he has never defeated me in a Championship match of any kind. I can break it down farther for you, WrestleMania One was the World Heavyweight Championship, that neither of us won. July 3rd 2004 episode of Chaos, I defeated him to capture my first EWE Championship. Double Assault I defeated White Tiger and [beep] to retain the EWE Championship. August 14th 2004 episode of Chaos, me and [beep] defeated Tiger and Eighteen to become the Tag Team Champions. Blood Loss of 2005 for the Undisputed Championship, the last time the two of us was in the same Title match, once again neither of us won.

[ HHH pauses a moment. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | I have that leverage over him, and he knew it. Am I going to say that is the difference in this match? Well no of course, The past means nothing in this business. We can run you through the history, like I have done. We can tell you the statistics, like I have done. All that does, is hype up the match itself, it doesn't tell you who is going to win, because in the end, what you done in the past, doesn't win you a match in the present. However, a statistic that will give me an advantage, is my record at WrestleMania, the best WrestleMania record in the entire EWE. It matters, because it shows the drive I bring for WrestleMania, the determination I have to do what it takes to win.

[ HHH stops and looks over the crowd for a moment. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | That brings me to Edge. Our history doesn't go back as far as me and Jeff's, but it's certainly gone on for awhile. Edge became the number one to my championship back in early November, and we haven't stopped since. Going into Final Battle, the people respected Edge, even I did. Deep down though, he knew he wouldn't beat me. What did he do? He stroke a deal with Jensen, and The Industry was born. I was screwed at Final Battle, by Edge, Jericho & Orton, The Birth of The Industry.

[ The crowd boos as HHH nods. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | The Industry was made out of two reasons. Jensen wanted to get rid of me, Edge knew he couldn't defeat me on his own. So the two came together to hatch this plan, and they haven't been off my back since. I became the first person that had to earn their own rematch clause, tell me that isn't Jensen trying to rip me off. I beat the odds though, I not only beat Orton at Hell Frozen Over as per the agreement, I destroyed him..

[ The crowd cheers, remembering that. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | I went on to Sole Survivor, where Jensen tried to stack the deck by making it a TLC Match, a match we all know Edge has perfected. That being said though, it still didn't help him, as I re-gained my EWE Championship. I got my title back, but only to have it taken back from me at No Love Lost. Jericho had to once again stick his nose in my business, but I'm not going to worry about that, instead I thank whoever was behind the wheel that night. Now Jericho will be out of our way once and for all.

[ The crowd cheers, agreeing. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Now Edge, you tried to duck out of this match. You tried to claim to be injured, hell you still are. We all know you're lying through your teeth, and for your sake you better hope you really are. If I step into that ring this Sunday and find out you really are injured, I will not hesitate to exploit it. If I can put you on the shelf once and for all, sit you right there with your pal Chris Jericho, it'd be my honor.

[ The crowd cheers once more. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | With that history alone, you can see it's a big match. But it's more than that, because history is guranteed to be made in this match. Edge could become the 2nd person in EWE History to retain the EWE Title at WrestleMania. Jeff could beat my WrestleMania record, while becoming the 1st ever 6x Heavyweight Champion. Or the most likely scenario, I could retain my WrestleMania record, doing so making me the 1st ever 4x EWE Champion. Either way, it's guranteed history will be made.

[ HHH pauses for a moment, to let that sink in. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Jeff can bring all the heart and desire he wants. Edge can fake injury and use any dirty tactic he chooses. The end result will be the same, as usual. If either of you had the slightest idea this would be a walk in the park, that you had any chance of defeating me at WrestleMania, you have forgotten just who the hell I am. I AM THE GAME!

[ The crowd cheers, hearing a phrase they haven't heard in ages, will they hear the other part too? ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Come WrestleMania, you will both realize once and for all, that I truely am...THAT...DAMN...GOOD!

[ The crowd cheers again, for the same reason. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | I shall become your 4x EWE Champion, cause if you're not down...

[ HHH stops when HBK slides into the ring, while HHH looks puzzled about this. HBK retrieves a mic of his own and looks at HHH. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | The Geese have hatched..

The King of Kings || Triple H | What?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | The Eagles have landed..

The King of Kings || Triple H | I still don't get it..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | The fish have eaten the worm..

The King of Kings || Triple H | What the hell are you talking about Shawn?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | The plan...they went for it..

[ HHH thinks for a moment, then he smiles and nods his head. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Oh right, I know what you mean now...that's good to hear.

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | How long you think til Jensen bails them out?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Who knows, they all kiss eachother's asses. But even it was only five minutes it's funny, so good job..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Not a problem, it's what we do.

[ HBK smiles and then winks to the crowd as he raises up a thumb, and they laugh. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Where was I?...Oh ya, I'm going to get my title back, that is one thing you can count on, cause if you're not down with that...

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | We only got two words for ya..

[ They hold up the mics as the crowd yells "Suck It". "Break it Down" hits as DX now begins interacting with the fans as the scene fades. ]

- E N D O F F E E D -

Last edited by JAY on Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 1711
Join date : 2020-06-29

WrestleMania SIX - 04/11/10 Empty Re: WrestleMania SIX - 04/11/10

Sat Aug 20, 2022 2:48 pm

....::....S T A R T.....G A M E....::.... The Grandest Stage of them all...The Showcase of the Immortals...The Biggest Show on earth. WrestleMania is the pinacle of this industry. Every Superstar dreams of headlining WrestleMania, or to even have that one taste, to have that one moment. After 6 years, The Game is finally returning to the WrestleMania Main Event here in EWE. He was in the Main Event at WrestleMania One, where he didn't fair to well, can The King of Kings turn things around and re-claim his throne in his return to the Main Event? ....::....E N D.....G A M E....::....

[ The scene opens as we see HHH sitting in a dark room, he looks directly into the camera. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | WrestleMania is vastly approaching, the countdown is on. Now that you have heard my thoughts on my opponents though, I thought I'd let you fans take a trip through time. Let you see a complete WrestleMania history of the Game. So why don't we get started, roll the footage.

[ The cameras switch, as it shows HHH umm, messing with Stephanie's undergarments. He looks around to see noone is around as he inspects them closer. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | What the hell? Cut the footage!

[ Before we can see if HHH is going to try them on, the footage cuts as we come back live to HHH in the room. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | I'm not sure how that footage got on there, but I can assure that wasn't me. That was my twin brother, umm..Triple G. Now, can we play the right footage this time?

[ The cameras switch back to the very 1st episode of Saturday Night's Showdown. A Competive 8 Way Iron Man Hell in the Cell is taking place. In the closing moments of the match HHH hits his own Evolution Teammate Randy Orton with a Pedigree, and hooks the leg for a pinfall. Soon after that the clock winds down. ]

Former Ring Announcer || Lilian Garcia | Ladies and gentlemen, as time has expired, the winner of this match with 8 Pinfalls...and new #1 Contender for WrestleMania, TRIPLE! H!!

[ The ref raises HHH's hand in victory as he begins celebrating. The scene quickly changes to the following week, with Stephanie in the ring. ]

EWE Founder || Stephanie McMahon | Triple H may be the number one contender for WrestleMania, but winning that match last week, has only secured him a spot in the Main Event. Because at WrestleMania, the World Heavyweight Championship will be defended in the first ever...2ND CHANCE ELIMINATION CHAMBER!!

The King || Jerry Lawler | What the heck is that?!

Good Ol' JR || Jim Ross | I'm not sure King, but it sounds like it'll be good.

World Heavyweight Championship, 2nd Chance Elimination Chamber

[ The scene switches again, this time to WrestleMania One in Madison Square Garden of New York City. ]

Former Chairman || Mr McMahon | Let me introduce you to the special guest referee of our next match, making his EWE Debut...The Heart Break Kid...SHAWN MICHAELS!!

Good Ol' JR || Jim Ross | Shawn Michaels has come to EWE! He's our guest referee for the World Heavyweight Championship, at the grandest stage of them all, what a EWE Debut this is!

The King || Jerry Lawler | It just wouldn't be WrestleMania without him, in any fed.

[ The camera's skip forward a little bit, now HHH is about to hit Toxic with the Pedigree. Before HHH can lock hook both arms though, he suddenly tastes SWEET CHIN MUSIC! As HHH falls back, Toxic quickly flips into a bridge, as HBK counts the one, two, three. ]

The King || Jerry Lawler | Shawn Michaels just screwed Triple H out of the Title!

Good Ol' JR || Jim Ross | Serves him right, it's about time someone gave him a taste of his own medicine.

[ The camera's switch back to HHH in the room. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Curse you Shawn, screwing me out of the World Heavyweight Championship. Ah well, at least we're pals again...Unless, he plans to screw me again this year..

[ HHH thinks about that for a moment, then shakes his head. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Nah that wont happen. Let's move on though, this next one should be some good clips. The Best Male Feud of 2005 culminated at WrestleMania Two, so I hope you're ready for a ride.

[ The cameras move back to 2004, where Derek Daniels made his debut. The footage shows that HHH & Derek quickly earned eachother's respect and become good friends. Then it finally comes to December 4th of 2004, a unfrogetable, to HHH anyway, episode of Chaos. ]

Good Ol' JR || Jim Ross | Here we go, a Six Man Tag, the winning team will face at Hell Frozen Over in a Triple Threat to determine our new World Heavyweight Champion.

[ HHH kicks Ben in the gut and sets him up for the Pedigree. He gets both arms hooked, but suddenly, he's cracked in the back by a steel chair, by Derek Daniels! ]

Good Ol' JR || Jim Ross | What the hell?! They're on the same team!

[ The crowd instantly boos Derek as he stares at HHH emotionless, while Ben makes the cover to pick up the victory. ]

The King || Jerry Lawler | Derek Daniels has some serious explaining to do.

[ And with that, the footage switches to that very moment. ]

The Dynamic One || Derek Daniels | I did, what I had to do. Triple H has a notorious history for turning on his friends. I wasn't about to be next on the list. I did, what I felt necassary, I struck first. And to justify my actions, I have agreed to face Triple H at Hell Frozen Over, in a Last Man Standing Match.

Last Man Standing Match
Triple H vs Derek Daniels

[ The scene switches to the closing moments of the match, where both men were counted out, ending in a draw. After the match Derek got a mic from Lilian and waited for HHH to get up. ]

The Dynamic One || Derek Daniels | Look Hunter, I made a mistake. This was a great match, and I feel bad for what I done. So I'd like to apologize to all of the fans, and you especially.

The King of Kings || Triple H | Apologize? I should thank you....You helped me realize, this is not me...Not the real me anyway...You have inspired me to be my old self again....However, sadly for you, being my old self, means  I need my old friends..

[ With that DDD is struck with a spear by Batista. Flair and Orton soon come down and join in on the beatdown. Derek recieves a RKO from Orton, Batista Bomb from Batista, a Pedigree and not to mention he's struck twice in the head, and 4 times in the ribs by HHH's Sledgehammer. This results in DDD being wheeled out on a stretcher. The footage switches to Evolution in the ring a few weeks later. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Derek crossed me, so I put an end to his career. And now that he is out of my hair, I can focus on what really matters. That is why I am announcing right now, I am going to be the one to win EWE's 1st ever Royal Rumble. So I can go onto WrestleMania and get the World Heavyweight Championship..

[ Scene switches again, where EWE Chairman, Johnny Chaos tells Triple H that he will be the Number One Entry...and that the Number two entry will be The Undertaker, who's been stalking specifically HHH with his return promos. ]

Royal Rumble Match

[ Footage comes to the Royal Rumble match, where HHH is trying to avoid The Undertaker, the #3 Entry's song hits, which causes Taker to look to the entry set. That's all HHH needed to roll out of the ring under the bottom rope and head backstage. ]

Good Ol' JR || Jim Ross | Where the heck is he going?

[ The footage skips to the 28th Entry, which is Randy Orton, but he's not alone as the entire Evolution comes out, including the re-entry of Triple H. Amazingly, The Undertaker is still in the match, that is until HHH and Orton slide in and dump him out from behind. Undertaker comes in furious, HHH panics and shoves Orton forward, causing him to get chokeslamed. Undertaker chokeslams everyone in the ring until it's down to just HHH. He looks at HHH, grabs The Rock and gives him a tombstone, and then leaves. HHH is now happy to be the only man standing. That was until the mystery 29th entry. "Headstrong" by Trapt hit and HHH's emotion did a complete flip and the crowd exploded when Derek Daniels came down the ramp. ]

Good Ol' JR || Jim Ross | It's Derek Daniels!

[ HHH tried to stomp at him before he could get in, but Derek grabbed his feet and pulled him to the mat. DDD slid in and began pumbling HHH with hard rights and lefts. As they got up DDD clotheslined HHH over eliminating them both. The pair brawled all the way up the ramp until security broke them up. The footage then switched to the next episode of Chaos. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Don't sit there and lie to me. That son of a bitch costed me the Royal Rumble, I want him in a match, tonight!

Former Chairman || Johnny Chaos | I don't know what to tell you Hunter, he's still injured.

The King of Kings || Triple H | He was in the Royal Rumble match!

Former Chairman || Johnny Chaos | Be that as it may, he's still on the injury list, therefore I ain't legally allowed to book him.

The King of Kings || Triple H | Fine then...since I can't teach him a lesson, and he stopped me from going to WrestleMania as the Number One Contender...I'll just go as the World Heavyweight Champion...I want Ben at No Love Lost..

Former Chairman || Johnny Chaos | Call me crazy...but ok, it's booked..

[ Possibly Johnny knew something HHH didn't? ]

NO LOVE LOST 02/20/05
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H vs Emperor Ben(c)

[ The footage comes to No Love Lost for the World Heavyweight Title match. HHH hits Emperor Ben with the Pedigree, which gets a mixed reaction from the fans for the match with two heels. HHH is about to cover when "Headstrong" by Trapt hits over the PA system. HHH jumps up as the crowd cheers. He looks at the Entrance set but doesn't see anything, he gets mad and turns back to Ben, that's when the song hits again, HHH spins back around, but still noone is there. ]

The King || Jerry Lawler | Perhaps Derek is playing with The Game's mind.

[ HHH turns back to Ben again, this time DDD is there, and nails a Dynamic Driver! He drags Ben ontop of HHH then revives the unconcious ref. The ref counts the one, two, three. ]

Former Ring Announcer || Lilian Garcia | Your winner and STILL EWE World Heavyweight Champion...[beep]

[ The footage fast skips a couple weeks, until Evolution has Derek beaten down in the ring, Orton and Mark Cha0s got Derek each by an arm, as blood drips from his forehead, HHH leans down in his face with the mic. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | I'm glad you're off the injury list Derek...You got just what you wanted, I'm not in the World Heavyweight Title match at WrestleMania, where I belong. But that's ok, cause now I'm going to be facing you. Not just facing you in a normal match though Derek. I will finish what I started at Hell Frozen Over, that is almost guranteed...when it'll be HELL.....IN A CELL!

Hell in a Cell
Triple H vs Derek Daniels

[ The scene is set for WrestleMania Two, the footage shows tons of clips from this epic battle. I could copy and paste some bits for ya, but I am free-typing this whole thing to not be cheap. That said we'll skip to the end. HHH is setting up for the Pedigree, he gets one arm hooked. But then comes one of the most amazing counters, as Derek uses his free arm to pull HHH's leg, and his hooked arm he pulls in the opposite direction, now having HHH in a pile driver position, Derek quickly hits the Dynamic Driver and covers for the 1, 2, 3! ]

Former Ring Announcer || Lilian Garcia | Here is your winner, DEREK DANIELS!!

[ After the match HHH is waiting to shake Derek's hand. He's catious about it, but does so anyway. That's when The rest of Evolution comes out and complains to HHH about shaking Derek's hand. This results in HHH and DDD teaming up to dump Evolution out of the ring. Orton, Flair, and Mark Cha0s back up the ramp cursing while HHH and DDD have a smile on their faces, that's how the footage ends and comes back to HHH live. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | What a great feud me and Derek had. Too bad that was my last great WrestleMania match, as far as build up goes anyway. The rest had almost no build up, so we'll be able to soar right through those. Speaking of Derek though, we all know that he became the 1st ever Undisputed Champion. What some may not know, is that he wasn't supposed to be. I'm not saying he wasn't supposed to win that match. I'm saying the Undisputed Title wasn't supposed to be birthed in May of 2005 at Blood Loss, where Derek won. It was actually supposed to originally be crowned in September of 2004, at Dynamic Destruction. I know, because I was to be in that match as well. It was going to be EWE Champion, yours truely, against World Heavyweight Champion, Toxic. That Pay Per View never happened though, so noone got to know who would have won that match. That was of course, until WrestleMania Three...

Triple H vs Toxic

[ The footage switches to WrestleMania Three. This match wasn't really that big of a match, since Toxic no showed, that's why the footage only shows when HHH hit the pedigree to win the match. The footage then showed the Sledgehammer onslaught after the match. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | So the fans got their answer, If that match was any indication, I should have become the first ever Undisputed Champion. But I'm not bitter. Now at WrestleMania 4, The Game played double duty. One match me and Shawn defended the Tag Team Titles, while I also had a WrestleMania 2 rematch minus the cell..

EWE Tag Team Championship
D-Generation X(c) vs The Mystic Wonders

[ The footage shows Chris Hart being decked with Sweet Chin Music, to which he spins around and is then hit with a Pedigree, and then covered for a 3 count. ]

|Jennifer Sparks|Here are your winners, and STILL EWE Tag Team Champions...The Game Triple H, The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels...D-GENERATION X!!

[ DX celebrates with their titles, until the footage switches to HHH's other match. ]

Triple H vs Derek Daniels

[ The footage comes to the end of the match, where HHH pays canada back for their disrespect to DX. He does this by throwing the Canadian Flag over Derek, he then gives the crotch chop, signifying he actually told Canada to "Suck It" He then kicked Derek in the gut and delivered The Pedigree. HHH covered getting the 3 count. He is then booed for his celebration, obviously after what he done. The Footage then switches back to HHH live again. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | DX had no love in Canada, so I just had to do it. We're cool now though I guess, thanks to Shawn and Brett burrying the hatch. That brings us to our final WrestleMania footage. AKA was ready to have their final match as a tag team, so they sent out a challenge to anyone willing to accept. Me and Shawn, we been split up for a good 9 months, but I had to give him a call to see if he was up for it. With that said, we accepted...so it was set...AKA's final match, against the one night reunion of D-Generation X..

D-Generation X vs Ass Kickers Annonymous

[ The footage shows a good back and forth match, that is until the Sweet Chin Music to Slade Craven and the Pedigree to Assassin as DX both got the cover, keeping DX as a unit undefeated at WrestleMania! After the match DX shook Assassin and Slade's hands, then asked them to join them in a DX celebrations, so all 4 of them set off the green X pyro. The footage then came back live to HHH for the final time. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | So there you have it, the complete WrestleMania History of the King of Kings...now you come to see how I have gotten on a 4 match WrestleMania Winning streak....some may call this Roleplay cheap...especially since they will assume Jay copied and pasted...which I can assure he didn't do for a single line...Hell he never even opened the ewe-wrestling.net account even once...when it comes to EWE History...much like me...he truely is...THAT DAMN GOOD!

[ HHH smirks and shakes his head. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Anyways, I'll see you for Promo 3...until then...I only got two words for ya..

[ As anyone who was watching this we can assume said "Suck It" the scene fades away. ]

- E N D O F F E E D -

Last edited by JAY on Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 1711
Join date : 2020-06-29

WrestleMania SIX - 04/11/10 Empty Re: WrestleMania SIX - 04/11/10

Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:01 pm

....::....S T A R T.....G A M E....::.... The Grandest Stage of them all...The Showcase of the Immortals...The Biggest Show on earth. WrestleMania is the pinacle of this industry. Every Superstar dreams of headlining WrestleMania, or to even have that one taste, to have that one moment. After 6 years, The Game is finally returning to the WrestleMania Main Event here in EWE. He was in the Main Event at WrestleMania One, where he didn't fair to well, can The King of Kings turn things around and re-claim his throne in his return to the Main Event? ....::....E N D.....G A M E....::....

[ The cameras open up backstage of the Safeco Field Stadium where we see HHH walking down the hall, still with his sledgehammer. He's caught off guard when Shawn Michaels comes around a corner. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Geeze Shawn, give a guy a warning.

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | My bad..I'm just here to let you know Edge got out of the room...our plan has been foiled..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Don't you mean your plan?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | But it was your plan?

[ HHH holds up his hand. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Shhh, keep that quiet, I just denied it to Jensen...if word gets out that it really was my plan...Everyone will learn that I am truely scared of Edge, Because I know there's no way I can beat him..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Oh...right...It was totally my plan...Triple H had nothing to do with it..

[ HBK looks over to the camera and winks. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | So now what are you going to do? He's out now, now you'll have to face him..

The King of Kings || Triple H | I'm not sure what I can do...There's no way I can defeat Edge...it's not like I have already done that seven times..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | There's no way you've defeated Edge seven times..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Look over there to the left, there's your proof..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Not all the same Edge though..

The King of Kings || Triple H | There isn't more than one Edge Shawn...that's just redundant...next you'll tell me I've teamed with a different Shawn Michaels before..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Three different ones to be exact..

The King of Kings || Triple H | You worry me sometimes Shawn..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | How many times you think you defeated this Edge then?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Six Times..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | No way, you defeated Edge himself seven times...so you're saying you only defeated the other one once, the rest was this one?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Precisely..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | I call bull..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Jay...let him have it..

The Man || Jay | KOX 09 Semi Finals....Debut of BF Edge & Orton vs Jericho and Chosen Partner HHH...Heatwave before Sole Survivor Edge, Orton, Jericho, Trish vs DX WT & Brooke....Sole Survivor EWE Championship....No Love Lost 10 man tag....Triple Threat Tornado Tag on the last HeatWave.

The King of Kings || Triple H | He just schooled you Shawn..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Whatever...are you ready to do a proper roleplay now?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Not really...I kinda eliminated my 3rd roleplay when I used my plan for the 3rd and combined it into the second...otherwise this would have been a very short roleplay..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | So you don't know what to do for your 3rd?...Why not use your 4th, and make a new 4th?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Because what we're doing is better for a finale...duh

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Well then what should we do?

The King of Kings || Triple H | I'm not sure...

[ they stand there for a moment. HBK smiles and raises a finger. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | I know! You can be a Celebrity guest on Deal or No Deal!

The King of Kings || Triple H | Shawn, they don't even air that show anymore..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Sure they do! I see it every day on GSN..

The King of Kings || Triple H | It's re-runs...they don't do new episodes anymore..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Oh...well let's do it anyway!

The King of Kings || Triple H | You're not grasping this are you?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | No I am...you need to grasp...this is roleplay land...

[ HBK snaps his fingers, and suddenly we are on the set of Deal or No Deal. HHH is standing behind the desk, with Briefcase #3(for 3x EWE Champ) we see on the steps there is 2 models, one with case #14 and the other with case #26. We see HBK and Dean standing over in the support section, and now we of course see Howie. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | Hello and welcome back to Deal or No Deal...I'm here with The Game Triple H, just before the break you turned down the offer for $250,000 for your charity. You have 3 cases left in play...One case holds 1 Penny...one holds $25,000 and the other holds $1,000,000!

[ The crowd cheers. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | Triple H...pick a case...

The King of Kings || Triple H | How the hell did I get here?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Hunter, I told you! Now pick a case!

The King of Kings || Triple H | Umm, ok...I'll have to say Case #14...it feels lucky to me..

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | Why is that?

The King of Kings || Triple H | All together I've been WWE and WWE World Champion a combination of 14 times...unless Jay messed up, he is without net at this moment you know..

[ Howie seems confused but shrugs and looks over to the model. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | Layla...Open the Case..

[ The crowd sits in antipation as Layla opens the case...revealing $25,000...the crowd cheers as the number comes off the board, leaving only One Penny...and One Million Dollars. The phone then rings as Howie walks over to it. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | This is your board...let's see what your final offer is..

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | Hello?....What?

[ Howie looks over and sees Shawn Michaels has a cell phone. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | I was just kidding...sorry..

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | How do you even have this number?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | I'm only an EWE Superstar for part of the time...I have another part time job with the CIA..

[ Howie shakes his head as HBK puts his cell back in his pocket. The phone rings again and Howie picks it up again. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | Hello?...Damnit Dean!

[ Howie looks over to Dean, who has his cell out now.. ]

Dean of Mean || Dean Winchester | Sorry, Shawn gave me the number...

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Sellout!

Dean of Mean || Dean Winchester | Things never seem to work out for me when I piss a bald dude off, sorry..

[ The phone rings again, before picking it up, Howie beams a look at HHH. HHH slowly puts his cell back in his pocket, the ringing stops. The phone rings once more, Howie looks around to make sure none of them have their phones back out, he then picks it up. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | Hello?...Good it's you...Really, Okay I'll let him know...

[ Howie hangs up the phone and points over to the board as he looks to HHH. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | There is a 50% Chance your case still holds One Million Dollars...He wants to know if you'll leave now, for half of that....FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS

[ The crowd cheers as HHH smiles. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | Triple H...The question isn't Are You Ready...The question is...DEAL...OR NO DEAL..

[ The crowd gets real loud as some yell "Deal" and others yell "No Deal". HHH looks over to HBK and Dean. ]

Dean of Mean || Dean Winchester | Dude no question, your case has the Mil...you gotta go for it.

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | If this was for you, you wouldn't need the money, you could risk it...but come on Hunter, this is for charity..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Is this even real though Shawn?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Of course it is..

The King of Kings || Triple H | You snapped your fingers, and we was here...so seriously, there probably is no charity..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Well can you live with yourself if it turns out to be real, and you took the risk to only get your charity a penny?

The King of Kings || Triple H | He makes a good point Howie..

[ HHH hits the Deal Button as the crowd cheers. Dean and HBK walk over and stand by HHH. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | Its a deal...you have sold this case for $500,000...but now we have to find out, how good of a deal you made..

[ Howie opens HHH's case...and it's dishartening to see $1,000,000 as the crowd "ohhh"'s ]

Dean of Mean || Dean Winchester | I TOLD YOU MAN!

The King of Kings || Triple H | Damn you Shawn!

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Come on man, you couldn't risk it, it was for charity..

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | He's right, you made the right decision for your charity.

[ Howie turns back to the camera. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | The King of Kings is leaving here with $500,000 for his charity...we'll see you next time, where more money will be won...here on DEAL

[ Howie does the hand motion over his forehead. ]

DOND Host || Howie Mandel | or NO DEAL..

[ HBK snaps his fingers...and now HHH and HBK are back in the arena. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | That was fun..

The King of Kings || Triple H | I don't know how you did that...but that took the term RolePlay filler, to a whole new level..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Where should we go now...oh, how bout Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader!

The King of Kings || Triple H | Sorry Shawn I can't...we never should have went to Deal or No Deal...I really need to talk about my match for the remainder of this roleplay..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Ahhh...come on man...

The King of Kings || Triple H | I'm sorry...I really need to get focused...afterall...it's WrestleMania...

[ HBK smiles and quickly looks over to the camera. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Which by the way, you can order by calling your local cable or satilite provider...that's live tonight....and ONLY on Pay Per View..

[ HBK smiles and holds up a thumb as HHH smiles and nods his head. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | So ya let's break this down then..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Nice pun..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Anyway, first we got the Rated R Superstar...the Ultimate Opportunist...The Industry's biggest kiss ass...The EWE Champion, Edge...a man who thinks I am even the slightest bit worred about him. I have defeated him countless times...while the only times he could beat me, was with the help of Chris Jericho or any other Industry member..You're the one who needs to step up and realize...your time is over..your reign is coming to an end tonight...and this time you won't be getting it back...that I gurantee!

[ HHH takes a breath, while HBK looks on amazed. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | I'm taking my title back Edge...and there isn't a thing you can do about it...Jensen will be in the hospital, compliments of Dean...so he won't be able to help you...Orton will be in pain after his competive Ultimate X...he won't be able to help you...The Miz...is he even here?...he won't be able to help you...The Big Show, I'm sure he's still re-cooperating from HeatWave....he won't be able to help you...the only one that can help you in your usual way, would be Trish...but she just doesn't have what it takes...Face it Edge, tonight...it's Game Over!

[ HHH pauses again, while HBK still seems to be amazed, HHH picks up on this. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | What?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | I'm just watching you switch from our random adventure to serious mode...you do it so well man...look at those two paragraphs on Edge...now it's White Tiger's turn right?

[ HHH nods and looks back to the camera. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | He's right though...Jeff, you have shown up quite well for this match...you are determined to re-capture the EWE Championship...But it's no surprise to me at all...Not just because you won the Sole Survivor...let's face it every single Royal Rumble, King of Xtreme, and now Sole Survivor Winner always brings everything they got to WrestleMania...it's not always enough in Edge and Rikku's case...but they bring it...would have been a waste of time to go through the biggest challenge of your life, just to show little effort at the event you fought for....but that's not the reason I ain't surprised....it's because of who you are...People call you overrated, those people are idiots...there is a reason why you are a legend in this company...there is a reason you have held every Championship possible and will of now headlined four WrestleManias...it's because you bring this intensity...you bring this passion to be the best..every single match I have ever seen you apart of..

[ HHH pauses for a moment, then continues. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | If you people can't tell...I have a great amount of respect for Jeff...We have been through alot like I have said...But mainly I respect the guy...because he's the EWE's version of me from WWE. I know you usually use that expression for someone who's not been in both...but I have accomplished alot more in WWE than I have here...not to say I haven't had quite a few accomplishments here...just not as many as White Tiger. I expected this match to be just like any other WrestleMania Main Event in EWE's history...and will do just that....with the exception of people like Cameron Hayden...The Rock and the first John Cena...every WrestleMania Main Event in EWE's history has delivered on all cylinders...every competitor ever to be in that situation, brought everything they had...I expect no different this year...The three of us, weather we like Edge or not...will tear the house down...

[ HHH pauses and nods. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Despite that though...the result will be the same as I have said before...That is The King of Kings re-claiming his throne...I will win my 5th consecutive WrestleMania Match...showing you all why I truely am....THAT...DAMN...GOOD!

[ Cheers would normally be heard in the background, but noone is there yet, so ya. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Jeff...Edge...if you're not down with that..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | We only got two words for ya!

[ They wait for the crowd to say it...but of course there is no crowd...HBK gets frustrated and smacks a water cooler, which then flies off and hits the interview set, in a freak accident the whole set falls apart. HHH and HBK look at eachother. ]

Together || D-Generation X | LET'S GO!

[ DX races off as the scene comes to a close. ]

- E N D O F F E E D -

Posts : 1711
Join date : 2020-06-29

WrestleMania SIX - 04/11/10 Empty Re: WrestleMania SIX - 04/11/10

Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:25 pm

....::....S T A R T.....G A M E....::.... The Grandest Stage of them all...The Showcase of the Immortals...The Biggest Show on earth. WrestleMania is the pinacle of this industry. Every Superstar dreams of headlining WrestleMania, or to even have that one taste, to have that one moment. After 6 years, The Game is finally returning to the WrestleMania Main Event here in EWE. He was in the Main Event at WrestleMania One, where he didn't fair to well, can The King of Kings turn things around and re-claim his throne in his return to the Main Event? ....::....E N D.....G A M E....::....

[ The scene opens inside the Safeco Field where HeatWave is moments from kicking off. The camera's show the ring, and it seems to be set up for DX-Rated...sure enough the lights dim down as "Are You Ready" is heard echoing through the PA system...the song continues as the crowd jumps to their feet. ]


[ The crowd explodes when HHH and HBK come through the curtains in their normal DX gear. They continue their way down the ramp and enter the ring where they do their pose in the middle of the ring, before doing 4 crotch chops with the Green X pyro shooting behind them in sync. The music dies down as HHH gets a mic ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Seattle...I only have one question...Are you Ready?

[ The crowd cheers as HHH shakes his head. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Come on...we are merely an hour away from The grandest stage of them all!

[ HHH climbs the turnbukle. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | I SAID! ARE YOU READY?!!

[ The crowd cheers more as HHH gets back down and walks back to the center of the ring. Where HHH now points out to the crowd.. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Then...For the thousands in attendence.

[ HHH then points to the camera. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | For the Millions who will be watching at home...Live...and only..

[ HHH and HBK put their arms around eachother as they both have a mic. ]

Together || D-Generation X | On Pay Per View..

[ HHH returns back to his stance.. ]


[ The crowd cheers as HBK gets his mic ready. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | And of course if you're not down with that...we only got two words for ya!

[ HBK holds up the mic, and HHH does the crotch chop while the crowd screams "Suck It!" ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Now then, we are merely an hour away from WrestleMania as I just mentioned...but right now it's time for a very special DX-Rated...You know it's been awhile since we've done this so we just had to do it...and with this being WrestleMania...we had to make it big...we have not one...not two....not three...not even four...but FIVE Special Guests!

[ The crowd cheers as HHH nods. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | I know the theme of our guests though, why do we only have 5, when there's been 6 Main Event Title matches...

The King of Kings || Triple H | Because one man walked out of two of those..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Oh, carry onward way my son..

The King of Kings || Triple H | What does Ciaran have to do with anything?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | What?...I totally just quoted a song from the un-official DX member's tv show..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Right...well anyways...it's time for our first guest...he left WrestleMania as the new World Heavyweight Champion, the 2nd in EWE history no less...ladies and gentlemen...please welcome...[BEEP]!!!

[ "St Anger" by Metalica hits over the PA System as the crowd gives a mixed reaction. The song plays for a few more moments until HHH tells them to cut it off. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | What the hell Shawn, didn't you get ahold of him?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | ya...this is awkward...but I forgot to tell you we couldn't have him on the show..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Why the hell not?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Because...due to technicalities...he never won that match...

The King of Kings || Triple H | What are you talking about, I should know he won, because I was in it...hell you was too as the special guest referee..I should remember that too..

[ There's an awkward silence as they remember the Sweet Chin Music from the ref that eliminated Triple H at WrestleMania One. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Anyway, it's just a technicality, it's hard to explain...basically...the Board of Directors want to forget he ever existed..

The King of Kings || Triple H | I thought that was only Trish...

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Well she has a very good reason to want to forget..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Then noone can make fun of her for her big mistake...now they can make fun of her making another with Edge..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Anyways...next guest?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Right...Our next guest left Las Vegas Nevada at WrestleMania Two as the new World Heavyweight Champion...he defeated the same man we was just supposed to have as our first guest...but in any event...give it up...for WHITE TIGER!!!

[ The crowd explodes as "Welcome to The Jungle" by Guns N Roses kicks over the PA System. The music plays for a few moments, but once again nothing happens. HHH throws his arms up in frustration. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | What the hell?! I know for a fact he's here..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Yea, but he's kinda busy...and I know you guys respect eachother and all, but do you really think he'd help you with your promo...when he's one of your opponents.

[ HHH shrugs. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | I guess you make a good point...let's hope our other guests show up so this isn't a complete bust...Our next guest, he left WrestleMania 3 as the Undisputed Champion...and once again at WrestleMania 4 he became a 3x World Heavyweight Champion...give it up, for SEAN LEWIS!!

[ "Smart Went Crazy" by Atmosphere hits over the PA Speakers, the crowd waits, much like HHH does, wanting to see if this one shows up. Lewis parts the curtains and the crowd explodes as HHH smiles and nods saying "finally we got one". Lewis continues down the ramp and enters the ring, where DX gets him a mic. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Welcome to the show Sean..

The Franchise || Sean Lewis | It's good to be here Hunter..

The King of Kings || Triple H | First of all I gotta say, where the hell are you?

The Franchise || Sean Lewis | Umm...standing right in front of you..

The King of Kings || Triple H | No I mean your roleplays...

The Franchise || Sean Lewis | Rol

The King of Kings || Triple H | Save the confused part...If there is one guy we can count on to hype WrestleMania up...it's always been you...You have always been EWE's own Shawn Michaels...

[ HHH looks over to HBK. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | No offense, I meant the WWE version..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | I'm not as good as I was in WWE?...HOW DARE YOU!

[ HHH looks back to Lewis. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | But seriously...Every year since your WrestleMania debut at WrestleMania Three...you bring it up to a whole new level...you bring everything you got...but this year...not shit...sure Cabbage is being Cabbage...normally that wouldn't stop you from squashing him like a bug, now would it?

The Franchise || Sean Lewis | That's true...but I really can't speak for my handler...you know since Jay hasn't talked to him...but I imagine he's been busy....besides how do you know I won't post before you post this...being it'll be close to Deadline before you get back online..

The King of Kings || Triple H | That's true...I guess we'll find out...I hope you do...Don't you want to take my record for the best WrestleMania Record?

The Franchise || Sean Lewis | Of course I do....

The King of Kings || Triple H | Then take the easy win, and hope I lose..

The Franchise || Sean Lewis | Take the easy win...me?

The King of Kings || Triple H | Why not...That's how EWE rolls..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | I can't believe you just said that..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Like you never took an easy win Shawn...that goes for all of your handlers..

[ HBK nods. While HHH looks back to Lewis. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Well that's about all the time we have for ya kid...Good luck tonight...even though you don't need it...a Little birdy, namely Jay's MSN told me that Cabbage already told Jay he won't be able to show up...so you should take the easy win..

The Franchise || Sean Lewis | I'll think about it...depends if you post this in time for me to see..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Good point...

[ Lewis shakes HHH and HBK's hands before walking back up the ramp. HHH then looks back to the crowd. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Now it's time for his most notorious partner...She became the first person to retain the EWE Championship at WrestleMania...which was at WrestleMania 4...ladies and gentlemen, give it up for RIKKU!!

[ The crowd once again cheers as "Real Emotion" hits over the PA System. Rikku comes skipping down the ramp and slides into the ring. She hops up on the turnbukle and waves to the fans before she gets down and DX hands her a mic. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Welcome to the show Rikku

6&0 or 5&1? || Rikku | Thanks! I'm happy to be here!...I got two words for ya!

[ The crowd yells "Suck It!" while HHH and HBK shake their heads in a small laugh. ]

6&0 or 5&1? || Rikku | No you silly billy's...HI EVERYBODY!!

[ Rikku waves to the fans again, while some laughter can be heard. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Well I can see you're as hyper as usual...but I gotta ask, how are you feeling about your match with LAW?

6&0 or 5&1? || Rikku | I'm feeling great of course!...LAW doesn't scare me...I'm going six and 0 no doubt about it..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | I wouldn't underestimate him if I was you..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Yea...Johnny Chaos went zero for five against Sean Lewis...but then come the 6th match, Johnny retained his championship...it can easily happen..

6&0 or 5&1? || Rikku | That's funny...Hunter speaking for Johnny...Shawn speaking for LAW...it's like you guys are linked to them..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | No...I'm...no..ot..

[ HBK seemed nervous about that response...but HHH doesn't look very amused at all. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | How could you insult me like that?

6&0 or 5&1? || Rikku | I'm sorry Hunter...I love you you know that!

[ Rikku gives HHH a hug. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | I'm tellig Stephanie...again..

[ HHH beams a look over to HBK as Rikku lets go. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | What?

[ HHH brushes it off and looks back to Rikku. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Well good luck tonight..

6&0 or 5&1? || Rikku | Thanks...you too!

The King of Kings || Triple H | Even though you're pulling for Jeff..

6&0 or 5&1? || Rikku | Well duh silly...but You're my friend too, so it's not like I'd be mad...I could only be mad if you guys let Edge retain...he's a meanie that don't need the title..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Well I can promise you that much..

6&0 or 5&1? || Rikku | Good...bye guys!

[ Rikku gives them both a hug then skips back up the ramp through the curtains. HHH looks back to the audience. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Now then...our final guest...She left WrestleMania 5 the new EWE Undisputed Champion...ladies and gentlemen...ANDOIRD #18!!!

[ "Sinner" by Drowning Pool hits which causes more cheers from the crowd. Eighteen makes her way down the ramp and gets into the ring, where she too is handed a mic by DX. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Welcome to the show Eighteen...

Chaos Kryptonite || Android #18 | Yea, sure..

The King of Kings || Triple H | How you feeling about your match?

Chaos Kryptonite || Android #18 | Like I wasted my time coming...other then to improve my WrestleMania Record..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Yea, Johnny may be over his head..

Chaos Kryptonite || Android #18 | There isn't a MAY about it...I'm going to shut him up once and for all..

The King of Kings || Triple H | That sounds like a real challenge there...beating him, I see happening...but you're going to shut his big mouth up...that sounds impossible..

Chaos Kryptonite || Android #18 | Not when he's eating out of a straw..

The King of Kings || Triple H | I guess you are getting straight to the point here then..

Chaos Kryptonite || Android #18 | I don't like wasting my time...

The King of Kings || Triple H | Well ok then...good luck tonight..

Chaos Kryptonite || Android #18 | I don't need it...but you certainly do..

The King of Kings || Triple H | pulling for Jeff then...there's a surprise..

Chaos Kryptonite || Android #18 | He's focused..

The King of Kings || Triple H | And I'm not?

Chaos Kryptonite || Android #18 | Deal or No Deal?

The King of Kings || Triple H | That was Shawn that did that!

Chaos Kryptonite || Android #18 | But it was your roleplay.

The King of Kings || Triple H | Whatever you say...go kick Johnny's ass then..

[ Eighteen drops the mic back down and goes back up the ramp. HHH shakes his head and looks back to the fans. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | I see how some guys get intimidated by that woman...Well I guess that about wraps us up..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Not so fast Hunter...we have one more guest..

The King of Kings || Triple H | We do?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | It was a surprise...we have had all the people who have left the 5 previous WrestleMania's as a Heavyweight Champion..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Except for [Beep} and White Tiger...but go on..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Well now I have someone else to bring out...Ladies and Gentlemen...the man who will leave WrestleMania Six as the EWE Champion..

[ HBK acts like he's pointing to the entrance set, then turns back over to HHH. ]

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | The Game, TRIPLE H!!

[ HHH smiles and nods. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Well thanks Shawn...but how can I be a guest on my own show..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Simple...How do you feel about your match tonight?

The King of Kings || Triple H | I feel confident...this is my year to shine...

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | You're not nervous at all? Jeff said if you say you're not, you're just lying...I gotta agree, this is your first Main Event since WrestleMania One..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Slightly I guess...Jeff can call me a liar...but he seems to forget one thing...I can see why he'd be nervous...He's been in three WrestleMania Main Events...and lost two of them. One of those was even a Triple Threat match. Why should I be nervous? I have won my last 4 WrestleMania matches...There isn't anyone that brings the intenseity that I do each and every WrestleMania. You think I'm tough to be in the ring with in any other match...I'm 10x Worse at WrestleMania..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Why is that?

The King of Kings || Triple H | For the same reason you become a whole new person at WrestleMania...It's the biggest show on earth...so I do my part in keeping it that way, by bringing everything I got...and more...Me and Jeff have drawn in our last 2 matches, barring the Tag Match we just had, which my partner got us the win...But neither of those matches were at WrestleMania...I am not the same person you faced in those other matches Jeff...I'm much better.

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | What about Edge?

The King of Kings || Triple H | He's an idiot that will lose?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | But he's the Ultimate Opportunist, how can he not be a threat in this kind of match...where there is no count outs, nor disqualifications..

The King of Kings || Triple H | Forget all that Shawn...there's one statistic that speaks better than anything...Who has the biggest disadvantage in a Triple Threat Match...that's right, The champion does...I could pin Jeff...Edge would lose his title...the same would happen if Jeff pinned me...Edge doesn't have to be in the fall to lose his title.

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | But would you be surprised if he hung out of the ring and let you two wear eachother down before he tried to pick up the pieces.

The King of Kings || Triple H | I think everyone is expecting him to do that...But I can tell you, if he leaves me in the ring with White Tiger...then I'll go ahead and wear him down like Edge wants...doesn't mean I won't be looking over my shoulder the whole time.

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | You can't be focused on both men at the same time...noone can...unless they are cross-eyed that is..

The King of Kings || Triple H | I can...or have you forgotten who I am?

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Triple H?

The King of Kings || Triple H | More than that...I am The Game...The Cerebal Assassin...The King!...of Kings!

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Valid point...Ready to wrap this up?

[ HHH nods and looks right to the camera. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | Edge...Jeff...I came to play...expect the biggest match of your life...I want you both to remember one thing...you have both been here before...You have both been in the Triple Threats at WrestleMania...and you both failed to suceed..I'm sure Edge can say that wasn't even him...but regardless...Neither of you has what it takes to come out on top in a Triple Threat match...whereas, I have actually retained my championship in one...something Edge will not do...that I gurantee...Tonight I will re-claim my throne...I will become a 4x EWE Champion...simply because I AM THE GAME!...and I am THAT DAMN GOOD!

[ The crowd cheers as HHH pauses. ]

The King of Kings || Triple H | For if you're not down with that..

The HeartBreak Kid || Shawn Michaels | Then we only got two words for ya!

[ They raise up their mics as the crowd screams "Suck It!" "Break It Down" hits again as they start posing and taunting for the fans, all while the camera zooms in and fades on the big DX logo in the center of the ring. ]

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