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WrestleMania 11 - 5/10/15 Empty WrestleMania 11 - 5/10/15

Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:32 am

Real Name: Abigail Lee Preston
Ring Name: Abby Addiction
Handler: Jay
HomeTown: Kansas City, Kansas
Resides: St. Louis, Missouri
Theme: "Addicted" by Saving Abel
Finishers: The Addiction, OverDose
Allies: Christy Chaos
Angela Fortin
The Experience

Enemies: .....

EWE Career Record
Win: 50
Lose: 08
Draw: 01

EWE Singles Record
Win: 40
Lose: 07
Draw: 01

EWE Tag Record
Win: 10
Lose: 01
Draw: 00

Current Streak: 3 Consecutive Victories/font>

Best Streak: 19 Consecutive Victories

Worst Streak: 2 Consecutive Defeats

Power 15
Peak: #2 (Wk 5)
Total Appearences: 21/24

2nd Power 15
Peak: #1 (Wks 13, 24 & 25)
Total Appearences: 23/30

Original Power 15
Peak: #2 (Wk 57)
Total Appearences: 10/57

Addicting Prologue - - - > > >
Abby & Hollie easily dispatched of the Funkadactyls, not much of a shocker there. Now it's back to being opponents, along with Mickie James in what promises to be a grand Triple Threat Match for the Diva's Championship. However it's only part one, as the winner will go on to meet the Shining Star Champion later on in a Unification Match. Quite a big night in store in London. But Abby can't think about Stealth Elf and Calista Leon right now... her focus needs to be on Mickie and Hollie first and foremost... She's got to show these very hungry challengers, just why Abby Addiction, is the pinacle of the EWE Diva's Division.

< < < - - - End Prologue

]] -- SCENE ONE -- [[
Title: Who's Hungrier?
Setting: On/Off Camera (Tape Recorded Interview)
Date: April 29th, 2015

The scene begins at Birmingham Airport, formerly known as Birmingham International Airport. Abby Addiction sits in her sit with her luggage next to her. To her other side, sits her good friend Kelly. Kelly looks at the time on her cell phone, before looking at her friend.

Well, it seems we have some time to kill before the flight of London.

Abby chuckles.

The Addiction
That was random.

Kelly shrugs, before pulling a tape recorder out of her purse. She turns and shows it to Abby.

Want to?

The Addiction
Talk into a tape recorder?

Responded the Diva's Champion, with a confused look on her face. Kelly just chuckled and shook her head.

No, silly. Interview for my blog I do on EWE, you know that.

Abby chuckles and shakes her head.

The Addiction
You're pretty addicted, no pun intended, aren't you? You're almost as bad as Trixy.

Kelly shrugs.

How else can we kill time before the flight?

The Addiction
I don't know... talk, like normal friends, not about work.

Kelly sighs.

OK fine, what do you want to talk about?

The Addiction
My title defense, at WrestleMania.

Kelly looks very puzzled, but sees the grin on the champion's face.

The Addiction
I was just teasing, go ahead and fire it up.

Kelly shakes her head at her friend poking at her, but turns the recorder on.

Hello, Kelly here at Birmingham Airport... and I'm not a lone.

The Addiction
Nope, there's a creepy old man staring at you from right across from us.

Kelly looks up real quickly, to see no one is even there. She looks back to Abby who just chuckles and shrugs.

As you can hear, I'm here with the Diva's Champion, Abby Addiction. Abby, big win on...

The Addiction
Can we skip that part? Beating the Funkadactyls wasn't a big win at all, it was a no brainier we would win that match.

I don't know, there was question if you and Hollie could get the job done. If the two of you were capable of working together, since you're about to be opponents. Not only that, but the tag team experience Cameron and Naomi had, against you and Hollie's lack of. A lot of speculation was on if the two of you would be concerned with showing each other up, and it costing you, or one of you even walking out on the other, to soften them up for WrestleMania.

Abby nods.

The Addiction
All fair points... but their experience didn't seem to matter against two of the best from the former Ladies Night Brand. Secondly, neither me nor Hollie would do that, that's not our styles. We're more likely to be the ones being walked out on than anything, much like Kelsi did to Hollie at last year's WrestleMania. We aren't about that, we have heart, we have desire to be the best. We want to succeed in anything we do.. whether it's a WrestleMania High stakes match... or just some match in a local gym that no one will ever know about. That's just who I am... and from what I know about Hollie, that fits her pretty accurately as well.

The way you say that, beating her would be a tough challenge at WrestleMania.

The Addiction
Indeed it will be, but you know me, that's the way I like it. I thrive for such a challenge. She's already given it to me three times... My very first title defense as TeleVixen Champion... my very first Women's Title defense at WrestleMania 8. But ironically, it was the non-title match that she was able to finally get one over on me, the non-title match a few weeks ago that her best, was just enough to get the job done.

Abby nods, pausing for a moment.

The Addiction
Now I could take a page out of her idol's play book, in regards to Alessandro, and say Hollie only beat me when it didn't matter, but failed each of the times championship gold was on the line.

Abby shakes her head.

The Addiction
But I won't go that route, because not to sound arrogant, but ANY match with me, means something, and matters. I am not trying to sound cocky or arrogant, do not get my words twisted. All I mean is, look at my record... what does it tell you?

That you have lost very few matches in comparison to how many you've won.

The Addiction
Well yea, but what that also means, is you get my best, every single time. Title or no title, it does not matter to me, I've already explained that, I will bring it every single match, it does not matter what it is. So for anyone at all to defeat me, again not to sound arrogant, but it's always going to be an achievement. Hollie got the job done, she joins an elite list of people who have beaten an Addiction.

The Champion pauses for a moment and then nods.

The Addiction
At WrestleMania, she has the opportunity to join an even smaller list... a List that only has one name on it. Only one person has beaten The Addiction, Twice... and as we all know, her name is Syd Vicious.

She pauses for a moment, putting a hand up.

The Addiction
Again do not twist me, do not claim I am being arrogant in saying that it is impossible to defeat me twice. It's not, as Syd has proven. As Hard as it is to defeat me once though, it's harder to do it again. You make me more alert than I already was. I already come into every match, as if it's the biggest match of my career, every single time. When someone manages to beat me, I come back even harder, even stronger, refusing to let them do it again. It's not personal, it's not anger... it's just me being the competitor that I am.

Kelly watches on intently as Abby continues.

The Addiction
It is my drive... it is what will push me at WrestleMania. I look forward to her challenge though... that is why I selected her after all. Not for redemption, not to pay her back for defeating me... but rather because she earned the shot, when she defeated me. More than that, I selected her, for the challenge... I selected her, for the Diva's Championship match at WrestleMania, to be worthy of the event it is on. I mentioned WrestleMania 8, it was the WrestleMania debut for both of us, and we tore the house down. I had no doubt, especially after she defeated me a few weeks ago, that WrestleMania 11 would be no different if I were to select her.

Well it is slightly different.

The Addiction
Yes, Kelly, I'm getting there. As much of a challenge as Hollie will be, as much as I could look to pin her like she did me a few weeks ago... or for her to pin me again, to prove to the doubters, which I am not one, that she isn't a fluke. Either of us could go a different route... and beat someone Hollie has done beaten a few times... and someone I have beaten several times without ever losing to.

That would of course be, Mickie James.

Abby nods.

The Addiction
I'm not trying to knock her down, I am only stating facts when I said that. However, she is not the easy scapegoat for me and Hollie, not like people assume she might be. The Girl is driven, the girl is hungry. Every time she has gotten in the ring with me one on one, fighting for the Diva's Championship... or the Women's Championship at Queen of the Ring 2012... Every single time, she comes harder than the time before... Much like Hollie has each time she's faced me. Every time, Mickie gets closer and closer to finally defeating me... much like Hollie did a few weeks ago. It is that reason, I am on high alert for Mickie James in this match. This could very well be her moment, not just to finally beat me.. but to finally claim the championship she has been obsessed with for 4 years.

It's really a tough spot you put yourself in. A Match you do not have to lose, to lose your title, with two extremely hungry competitors who have been chasing this championship for roughly the same amount of time.

Abby smirks and nods.

The Addiction
Very true, Kelly.. but you also know why I did it.

Yea, yea, you like the challenge.

Abby gives Kelly a thumbs up, Kelly just rolls her eyes.

The Addiction
Precisely, Kelly. I thrive for it... and these two will give it to me. Mickie James is the dark horse that can shock the world at WrestleMania, and I have no doubt about it. She almost had me at Queen of the Ring 2012... She was centimeters away from defeating me at Royal Flush 2013... She hung around with Syd Vicious at AnniVersary X in a match she was supposed to be completely annihilated in, according to some people. Hunger Kelly, Hunger is one of the most dangerous things you can imagine, especially in a championship match, especially, at WrestleMania.

She pauses for a moment, listening to the Intercom announce a flight to Paris, she shrugs at that, before continuing.

The Addiction
It can be argued, which of my opponents have the most hunger in this match, and to be honest, they both have valid arguments. They both have a desire to be the Diva's Champion, but it's beyond that, they have a deep hunger, two completely different kinds of Hunger. While Hollie Winder lacks the opportunities, she's only had two chances at the Women's or Diva's Championships. Her hunger is simple, she knows her opportunities don't come around often, and has to make it count.

Kelly nods as Abby continues.

The Addiction
Then there's Mickie, who's had several chances... but continues to fall short, not by lack of skills or lack of desire, just from not being enough, on that particular night. They are both hungry, one for lack of opportunities and wanting the seize the one they got... the other for constantly falling short, and needing to prove to herself, that she can get the job done. It's argued see, which of those hungers are more stronger... but it is unarguable, that they are both very hungry. Hungry challengers, makes for a very interesting match, and a good tough defense for myself, believe me, I look forward to it.

She nods.

The Addiction
I feel bad that I will have to crush their dreams one more time. I have my own goals to achieve on this night... I will join Trish Stratus on a very small list... I will topple Sean Lewis' record for best undefeated streak at WrestleMania. Those are my goals for WrestleMania, and I will achieve them. Hollie and Mickie just have to realize one more time, come WrestleMania, they can't, and won't, beat The Addiction.

Kelly nods, stopping the tape recorder.

Thank you, that was very well done.

Abby smirks and nods, then the intercom announces a flight to New York.

The Addiction
And perfect timing, that's me.

Abby stands grabbing her suitcase, as Kelly looks confused.

Why are you going to New York?

The Addiction
To get on another plane... to Phoenix, Arizona.

Kelly rolls her eyes.

OK smart-ass... why are you going to Arizona?

Abby shakes her head.

The Addiction
I'm sorry, it's personal. But I might talk to you about it when I get back.

Kelly sighs.

Okay I guess... Be Safe.

Abby nods, before leaning over and giving Kelly a hug. Abby heads on towards her flight as Kelly awaits the announcement for the Flight to London.


Date: 5/10/15
Card: WrestleMania 11
Opponent(s): Hollie Winder & Mickie James
Stipulation: EWE Diva's Championship Triple Threat Match

Date: 4/27/15
Card: Monday Night Chaos #194
Opponent(s): Funkadactyls
Stipulation: Tag Match w/ Hollie Winder
Outcome: Victory

Date: 4/13/15
Card: Monday Night Chaos #192
Opponent(s): Experience, ???
Stipulation: Diva's Tag #1 Contendership, Open Invite
Outcome: Victory

Date: 4/6/15
Card: Monday Night Chaos #191
Opponent(s): Paige
Stipulation: Standard Match
Outcome: Victory

EWE Women's Champion
EWE Diva's Champion (4)
EWE TeleVixen Champion

1st Ever EWE TeleVixen Champion
Never Lost Women's nor TeleVixen Championships
1st Ever 3x & 4x Diva's Champion
#1 Rper of the Week: 11x
#2 Rper of the Week: 8x
#3 Rper of the Week: 5x

Diva of the Month- February 2012
Diva of the Week- 15x

-AJ Lee-x1
-Amelia "The Phoenix" Pietersen-x2
-Angela Fortin-x3
-Annie "Midnight" Fugate-x2
-Baby Doll-x1
-Beth Phoenix-x2
-Brooklyn McDaniel-x1
-Eva De La Cruz-x1
-Hollie Winder-x3
-Jaylina Jobber-x1
-Jessie Orion-x1
-Josie Wales-x3
-Keira "Sin" Fisher-x1
-Kelsi Parr-x3
-Lady Lilac-x1
-Madelyne "Shadow" Wright-x1
-Mallory Costas-x1
-Melina Perez-x3
-Michelle McCool-x2
-Mickie James-x6
-Mizore Payne-x3
-Natalya Neidhart-x1
-Syd Vicious-x1
-Trish Stratus-x5

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